Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday Mar 31st

 Hi all,

Today we discussed more ways that Matilda could get back at her horrible parents! We did a writing page about her revenge. I did stress that this is only for Matilda's horrid parents, not to be done at home but I do apologize if your underwear is glued to your skin tomorrow or you are covered in glitter and slime. It was not my idea... 

We practiced our subtraction with borrowing using our blocks. We made cards for Ms. Paolini's funeral service so that we will have a piece of us there with her as we say our final goodbye to our beloved library teacher. 

We went to gym with Ms. Sterne and also tried a new comprehension passage for our Wow words this afternoon. 


Reading, give it a shot ends tonight! Any papers brought back with minutes from February or March will still earn cards but we will not earn any more as of tomorrow. Please either send in your paper with the minutes on or email me your child's total reading minutes so I can forward our class total and be entered in to win some more prizes from Reading, give it a shot. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wednesday March 30

 Hi all,

Today we had another go at paragraph writing during our free choice writing. We are writing an introduction sentence to tell what we are writing about and then adding facts and other information. We went to Meteghan, Nova Scotia for social studies and did a comparison of what it is like compared to Calgary. We also looked at how long it would take to get to each of our three communities, Saskatoon, Iqaluit, and Meteghan. It's a 35 day walk to Nova Scotia if you're interested in stretching your legs! After gym we read a little more of Matilda.

We also had a listen to Ms. Byrne's new song. Our fabulous Grade 1 teacher is also a secret rock star!! Her first single, Don't, came out today. Check out Nicole Byrne on Spotify if you want to hear it. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday Mar 29

 Hi all,

Today we practiced writing a whole paragraph as we turned our Spring Break notes into a full paragraph. We had Mr. Wiens for Music and did a number of the day. We went on ipads for mathletics and also made predictions about a cool hockey book called The Big Game. After gym we sat together on the floor and read some more Matilda. 

See you all tomorrow! 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday March 28

 Hi all,

Hope you all had a great Spring Break!! Today to get back in the swing of things we did a planning page all about what we did over the holiday. Tomorrow we will write a paragraph based on our planning. We also learned how animals stay warm in the Arctic winters. Ask me what a blubber glove is! We practiced double digit subtraction and also talked about our Wow words. We did 'au' words and practiced writing them out. 


Keep collecting your reading minutes to collect your animal cards! 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday March 18th

 Hi all,

Today we started off our day with the pillars of care assembly. Our winners this month are:

Care for Others: Cooper - for always willing to help out others around him with their work, especially in math and writing. Cooper is a great helper with a word spelled or a math sum solved whenever you need!

Care for Learning: Paige - has been working so hard on her writing this month. She tries her best to spell words herself before asking if it’s right and has been writing more and more as time goes on. 

Care for Place: Alma - does a great job cleaning our whole classroom, not just any mess she happens to make. Thanks for keeping our space clean and easier to work in Alma!

Care for Self: Yusuf - always keeps his coat and mitts handy until he knows it’s warm enough to put them on the bench outside. He always remembers to track them down too if they get left outside by mistake!

Pillar of the Month: Sammi - is truth. She knows how to be honest with herself and others and she knows how to live by her truth too in the true spirit of the 7 sacred teachings. She exudes all the teachings and therefore embodies the 7th, truth.

We also did a desk clean, went to gym with Ms. Sterne, and played a new math game.

Have a great spring break everyone! See you on Monday, March 28th!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wednesday Mar 16

 Hi all,

Today we did our March writing prompt about a snowy day picture. We had music and did a number of the day check in. After lunch we did some mathletics and also went out for our March sit spot reflection. 


No school next week for Spring Break. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday Mar 15th

 Hi all,

Today we played a game of big word after practicing a new skip counting number. We skip counted by 25s so we could try doing some money word problems. We talked about what heat is and what happens to molecules when they heat up. We did some money word problems and also learned how thermometers work and had a go at reading them. 


No school next week for spring break

Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday March 14

 Hi all,

Happy Pi day!! I was away this morning but got to catch up with everyone by lunch. 

Today we did a vowel word hunt with long and short sound Es. We practiced our sequence writing with some pinata party pictures. This afternoon we did a basic facts quiz and did a practice run with recording our poem. We also read a book about how different animals stay warm.


No school next week for spring break.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday Mar 10

 Hi all,

Today we had a cute and fun show and tell from Cooper. We saw Mr. Wiens for music and then chose work we were proud of to show you for our parent teacher conferences. We went on mathletics and practiced some more addition. This afternoon we wrote Wow word sentences and played some basketball in gym. We ended our day with a sharing circle and talked about what to do on a nice warm weekend!


No school tomorrow! See you Monday people. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wednesday Mar 9

 Hi all,

Today we did some free writing in our journals. We added artifacts to our IRIS goals in preparation of parent teacher conferences tomorrow. After lunch we got on Minecraft for our last session and explored addition world. After gym we cleaned up the room and read some more Matilda. 


Please book a parent teacher conference time for tomorrow or Friday

No school Friday

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tuesday Mar 8th

 Hi all,

Today we did a monthly writing sample and imagined what super power we might have and how we would use it. We practiced writing instructions in a new little mini unit on sequence writing. Today we wrote out instructions to make a pizza! After lunch we practiced more word problems and then attempted Minecraft again. We ended our day with some basketball practice and a little more Matilda. 


Please book a parent teacher conference time for this week

No school Friday

A letter came home about Jump Rope for Heart. It is an annual heart and stroke foundation fundraiser. Join in if you can and win some cool prizes.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday Mar 7

 Hi all,

Today we got 5 new wow words to kick off our week! They follow the 'ue' or 'u_e' rule which makes a looooong u sound. They are.... use, blue, cute, huge, tissue.

We had music and did a number of the day. We finished our addition quiz and also practiced word problems today. We tried to get Minecraft education going but only managed to download the game onto the laptops so tomorrow we will try again and actually get started! We ended our day with basketball in gym and a new book for read aloud called Matilda.


Please book a parent teacher conference for this week! 

No school Friday

Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday Mar 4th

 Hi all,

Today we had gym right away and played a game of curling. We read a bit and celebrated a birthday with a GoNoodle before we did some science work. We wrote our KW charts and also watched Bill Nye to see what he had to say about heat! After a quick desk clean we did a double digit addition quiz and then it was basically home time!


Please book a parent teacher conference time for next Thursday night or Friday. 

No school next Friday.

Keep logging your reading minutes to earn animal cards. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thursday Mar 3

 Hi all,

We had a cool show and tell this morning from Carter that got the Mario theme song stuck in my head all day! We made our Venn diagram for the BFG. We made a graph for February's weather data and also helped each other practice our double digit addition with regrouping. We will do the quiz tomorrow or maybe Monday. We wrote Wow word sentences, played some basketball in gym and drew a cool campfire in honour of our new science unit, hot and cold. 


I know I've been saying it all week but parent teacher conference booking actually opens today at 4pm! Sorry for the confusion. I forget it opens up for teachers to view first (eyeroll). Please do go ahead and book an appointment as soon as you get a chance!

There is no school next Friday. That's Friday March 11th.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wednesday Mar 2

 Hi all,

Today we started off with free writing. This is where you get to practice writing on any topic of your choice! We carried on practicing our double digit addition. After lunch we watched the BFG movie. We were looking for similarities and differences from the book. Tomorrow we will write in a Venn diagram and also make a prediction as to what could happen next in the story. We paused to practice some basketball in gym. 


Parent teacher conferences are next week. Please book a time to talk about your child's progress.

Keep logging those reading minutes to earn cards and a shot at our school getting to meet some of the Calgary Flames! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Tuesday Mar 1st

 Hi all,

Today we wrote some simple sentences about something we know a lot about, ourselves! We saw Mr. Wiens for music and did the number 50 for a number of the day. After lunch we had mathletics and then read a cute little story to practice our predicting powers. We also found some time to clean up some folders before home time. 


Please book a conference time for next week. Log in to mycbe and book a time on Thursday night or Friday.