Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Oct 29th

 Hi all,

Wow you all looked amazing today! I bet you can't wait for Sunday night! Just remember to be safe out there on the roads if you do decide to go trick or treating! 

Today in class we had our October Pillars of Care assembly. Here are the winners for this month. 

Care for Others: Shane who always respects his peers around him by getting down to work and not distracting them. 

Care for Learning: April who has been checking in with the teacher to make sure she does her best work, especially with her writing.

Care for Place: Jediah who always keeps a clean desk and is respectful of his environment.

Care for Self: Skylar who is always checking in to make sure she is being the best she can be

Pillar of the Month: Ari is always honest with himself when asked about his behaviour and how he can do his best in class, at recess, and in gym.

We also did Friday Favourites writing, did a desk clean, went to play some spooky games in gym, and read some more Charlotte's Web!

Have a great weekend and a fabulous Halloween if you celebrate it! And remember, Sunday is a school night. Try and get a goods nights sleep and maybe save some candy for later on :)

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday Oct 28th

 Hi all,

Today we wrote our Wow word sentences, that is using the 6 Wow words of the week to make 6 different sentences each with a Wow word in it. We had music with Mr. Wiens and then practiced number of the day. After lunch we did mindfulness, went on ipads for mathletics, and then most of us had playground recess. We came back inside to do our magnet quiz and then reviewed the answers. After gym we came back in and read some more Charlotte's Web. It was the sad chapter where Charlotte dies :(


Tomorrow is dress up day if you wish. Please no scary costumes (there are 5 year olds in the building) and no accessories. If anything is left in the school on Friday you will not be able to get it for trick or treating on Sunday!!!!!

Photo orders came home today! The easiest way to order photos is on the life. touch website but if you want to send money and the order form into school I can process them for you. The deadline is Nov 8th if you send money in but you get a lot longer to decide if you order online. If you want retakes or missed the first photo day, picture retakes are on Nov 10th

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday Oct 27th

 Hi all,

Today we journaled about what the coolest Halloween costumes would be, We talked about how we can use describing words to tell us what it looks like. We practiced how to show numbers in many ways and we learned a new game where you have to make the biggest number. We did another visualization practice using our own Charlotte's Web. Tomorrow we will have a science quiz and so we watched the Bill Nye video to review what we have learned so far. 

Things you need to know are:

What sticks to magnets (some metals like iron)

What magnets do to each other (repel each other or attract each other depending on the poles)

That magnets can go through materials like cardboard

That the Earth is a magnet 

That some trains use magnets

We will also have our pillars of care assembly on Friday. Winners were given notices today and will get their rewards on Friday. 


Friday is Halloween dress up day if you wish. No violent costumes or accessories please. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tuesday Oct 26

 Hi all,

Today we got our new wow words. They are all short O sounds. October, got, on, mom, other, song. We practiced writing them out in different ways (capitals, small, big, fancy, block, bubble etc). We looked at what numbers mean when they are part of bigger numbers eg in 67 the 6 means 60 and the 7 means 7. We also did a number of the day and practiced using the hundred chart to skip count by 10s up and down. We drew a web for Wilbur (from Charlotte's Web) with our own special word in the web. After recess we played with ring magnets and saw that they can 'float' (repel) or 'stick' (attract) depending on which way they are facing. After gym we read a little more Charlotte's Web before home time. 


School dress up for Halloween on Friday (no gorey costumes or accessories please)

Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday Oct 25

 Hi all,

Today we journaled about our weekends and saw what a 1,2,3, and 4 looks like so we know what to write and what mark we will probably get. We had a guest teacher for music who was teaching us some cool songs with chopsticks. This afternoon we practiced writing numbers with base ten blocks and expanding form. We looked at Saskatoon and talked about what we notice there. We played scoops and balls in gym, and read some Charlotte's Web to end out day.

Have a great night! 


Friday is Halloween costume dress up day if you wish. Please no gorey costumes and no accessories (wands, swords, etc) as they could get lost!

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Oct 22

 Hi all,

Today we practiced lots of reading as we read to ourselves and with a partner. We went on a walk for Wenjack. We did our Friday favourites. We also made some pretty cool shape monsters. We drew monsters but only using 7 different shapes. 

Have a great weekend everyone! See you on Monday!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thursday Oct 21

 Hi all,

Today we practiced lots of writing. We did a writing sample about a halloween picture and then we also practiced Wow word sentences! We did some basic facts and number of the day practice in math. This afternoon we tried a really cool experiment where we made scissors turn into a magnet! Ask your kids how we did it.

If you want to order Scholastic book orders but are having trouble navigating the website you can send cash and the form into me and I will order them early next week. Please get those in asap. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday Oct 20

 Hi all,

Today we worked on 6 new Wow words! We are looking at short i words. Beddington, is, it, list, sing, pencil. We also had ipads and mathletcis for math. This afternoon we practiced visualization again and talked about what we are looking for when we mark it. We also looked at different types of landforms and what they do and do not have in Saskatchewan. We ended our day doing a walk for Wenjack and then heard some more Charlotte's Web. 


Fire drill tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Tuesday Oct 19

 Hi all,

Today we played big word after our reading time as we only had a few minutes before pictures were taken. Good work looking all dapper and tidy today everyone! After recess it was music and then we did a number of the day practice. On Thursday we will have a check in period for number of the day to see how well we can show numbers in different ways. 

This afternoon we worked on skip counting by 5s and 10s. We heard the sad story of Chanie Wenjack in social studies as part of our ongoing work of truth and reconciliation. We did a walk for Wenjack in gym before returning some of our old work and seeing some marks. We then had a folder party to put the work away in our duotangs.


Thursday afternoon we will have our second fire drill practice. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday Oct 15

 Hi all,

Today we had an extended reading time as we read by ourselves and had partner reading! We had music and gym today so we only had time for a couple other things. We wrote our Friday Favourites. We played a new math game. We read a little more of Charlotte's Web. We even did a little desk clean. 


No school Monday. See you Tuesday.

Speaking of Tuesday. It is picture day! Come clean and brushed and practice those smiles :)

October scholastic book orders catalogue came home today. Hand them in to me or order online by the end of the month. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thursday Oct 14th

 Hi all,

Today we reviewed capital letters and punctuation with a little quiz. Most did quite well which was good. We focussed on 2s in our skip counting practice today before lunch. This afternoon we practiced visualization, where you paint a picture in your mind after hearing a story. We also discovered that magnets can go through materials! There is a plastic coating on a magnet but it is still a magnet!! They can even go through paper plates! So we got out some paint and made magnet squiggle art pieces. 


No school Monday

Picture day is Tuesday

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Wednesday Oct 13

 Hi all,

Today we did our October writing sample, all about me. We were practicing our sentences and especially capitals and punctuation. We will be having a little quiz tomorrow on punctuation and capitals as well to see how we are doing. We wrote out our 2,5, and 10 skip counting numbers to practice in math. This afternoon we wrote wow word sentences and also looked at what a map needs and started our grade 2 social studies map!


No school Monday

Picture day is Tuesday

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tuesday Oct 12th

 Hi all, 

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We were very excited to see each other and talk to each other today. We got 5 new Wow words today; went, end, every, check, ten. We got to actually see how rainbow words work :)

We practiced skip counting after music and the practiced skip counting on mathletics. We played parachute games in gym and then tried to get some of our amazing work in folders. We need to have another go at that. 

Oct reminder:

No school Monday 18th

Picture day Oct 19th 

Halloween dress up day Oct 29th (I'm 90% sure of this, but don't quote me :)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thursday Oct 7th

 Hi all,

Today we talked about Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for. We journaled about it this morning and then made cute little turkeys to show what we are thankful for. These came home with kids today and should be in backpacks supposing they survived the trip home. 

We looked at increasing patterns with numbers and saw how they make cool patterns when you draw them on 100s charts.

We also tested our classroom to see what was magnetic and what was not!

We also read some Charlotte's Web.


No school until Tuesday

Picture day is Oct 19th

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday Oct 6th

 Hi all,

Today we talked about what a sentence is and made some using our wow words. A sentence needs to have someone (or something) doing something. For example, "the cat" is not a sentence, no matter how many capital letters and periods you put in it. The cat sat on the mat. Now that is a sentence. The cat (something) sat on the mat (did something). 

We made increasing patterns with blocks this morning and made pattern rules. 'The rule is add 2' could be your rule if every time you make a new picture you add 2 things. 

We talked about how to describe characters and drew pictures and described Fern, Charlotte, and Wilber from Charlotte's Web.

We make a KW chart about magnets (what we Know and what we Want to know) and then ended our day reading some more of Charlotte's Web.


No school Friday or Monday

Picture day is the 19th

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tuesday Oct 5th

 Hi all,

Today we started talking about visualization. This is where an author tries to paint a picture in our minds and our own unique experiences and brains take the words and transform it into pictures in your head. What you see is what you 'visualize'! We did a couple activities looking for important words in texts and drawing the details. We did number of the day and mathletics in math. We thought of some pros and cons of living in Calgary and tried to convince someone to come stay here, or not... We played soccer in gym and read some more of Charlotte's Web.


- No school Friday or Monday

- Scholastic forms came home yesterday. They are Septembers but are still valid in October. I will send October's home later. The code to buy something is RC158206. There is obviously no obligation to buy but they are great and cheap books to boost your library at home

- Picture day is Oct 19th

Monday, October 4, 2021

Monday Oct 4th

 Hi all,

Today we started our word work. We got 5 new words to add to our Wow word wall and we did a few activities. Our words are all short a sound words; add, and, after, can, pack. We practiced writing it, we tried to practice rainbow words but it didn't go so well for us (this was Mr. Beechey's fault :) ) and we also did a wow words book hunt where we looked thought our reading books to see which was the most common word... it was 'and'.

We learned what increasing patterns are and how they have 'terms' and a 'rule' instead of a 'core' and a 'name'.

We watched a video and talked about what we see in Calgary as part of our community study. 


There is no school Friday or next Monday

Picture day is Oct 19th

Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday October 1st

 Hi all,

Today we had our first pillars of care assembly where students got their ribbons and shared with the school their successes. We did read to self and also read to a partner. We ate snack before working on our September weather graphs. We made a pictograph and a bar graph to show how many sunny and cloudy days we experienced. We went to gym and practiced our soccer skills, came back to class for a desk clean and finally read a little more Charlotte's Web.

Have a great weekend!