Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Oct 29th

 Hi all,

Wow you all looked amazing today! I bet you can't wait for Sunday night! Just remember to be safe out there on the roads if you do decide to go trick or treating! 

Today in class we had our October Pillars of Care assembly. Here are the winners for this month. 

Care for Others: Shane who always respects his peers around him by getting down to work and not distracting them. 

Care for Learning: April who has been checking in with the teacher to make sure she does her best work, especially with her writing.

Care for Place: Jediah who always keeps a clean desk and is respectful of his environment.

Care for Self: Skylar who is always checking in to make sure she is being the best she can be

Pillar of the Month: Ari is always honest with himself when asked about his behaviour and how he can do his best in class, at recess, and in gym.

We also did Friday Favourites writing, did a desk clean, went to play some spooky games in gym, and read some more Charlotte's Web!

Have a great weekend and a fabulous Halloween if you celebrate it! And remember, Sunday is a school night. Try and get a goods nights sleep and maybe save some candy for later on :)