Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday April 29th

 Hi all,

Today we had our first in person assembly since Covid began! It was a big success and all the kids did so well sitting politely and being quiet. 

In class we did some partner reading, cleaned out our desks, went outside for our April sit spots (a part of our mindfulness) and then went to gym.


The in class field trip is cancelled on Monday due to the presenter calling in sick :(

For our pillars of care assembly here are this months winners:

Care for Others: Eliaz - for being a great role model to everyone in our class when it is time to listen to the teacher and follow instructions quickly and quietly. He is doing his part for himself and also showing the others how to act. 

Care for Learning: Emma - who has been working really hard on all our writing lately. She is really pushing herself to improve and her hard work has been paying off. 

Care for Place:. Beau - for helping to keep his area of the classroom clean, even when it is not his mess to pick up. 

Care for Self: Shane - who looks out for himself on the play ground and stays safe even when others around him are being a little silly and rough.

Pillar of the Month: Ezri - Ezri knows herself and knows when it’s time to try a little harder and also knows when she does a good job. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thursday April 28th

 Hi all,

Today we watched another First Nations legend from the Arctic as our show and tell friend was away today. We started talking about boats and buoyancy for our new science unit and talked about how things float or sink because of how dense they are, NOT because of how heavy they are. Heavy things can float (boats) and light things can sink (paper). We practiced our estimation skills with little classroom objects for math. We saw Ms. Sterne in gym and also did some word work with our 'oy' words!


Monday is our in class field trip with Teachers Pet. Please log in to mycbe and pay the fee if you haven't done so already

Tomorrow is dress up like your favourite book character day! Come dressed up as someone who appears in a book. Just like halloween, no masks that cover your face, accessories that you have to hold separately, no scary costumes either as we will be in a full school assembly and don't want to scare the kindergarteners! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday April 26th

 Hi all,

Today we did our writing sample for April. We looked at a picture of some kids playing soccer and brainstormed some words we might want to use and then wrote stories or described what we see. We saw Mr. Wiens for music and finished the little math check in quizzes we have been working on. After lunch we had ipads for mathletics. We read some Matilda and read a book all about how animals stay cool in the heat!

For those of us who got the dental check up today check in your backpacks for the form that came home with your summary. If you got fluoride then make sure follow the recommendations:

- the child can eat or drink right away

- if possible, avoid hot, sticky, or crunchy food and chewing gum for the rest of the day (cold supper I guess?)

- the teeth can be brushed at bedtime

- the fluoride varnish may appear as a film on teeth and gums and will slowly wear off

Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday April 25th

 Hi all,

Today we looked at the 'oy' blend as in words like toy, loyal, and cowboy. We practiced taking some brain breaks during our writing time today, just taking 30 seconds to do something different in our minds to refocus our brains. After recess we looked at the landforms in Meteghan. Then we had a math afternoon. We did a basic facts quiz, balanced the scales by making both sides equal, and also did a bigger numbers sheet! A surprise fire drill was also thrown in there too. After a gym with Ms. Sterne we read a little more of Matilda.


Tomorrow and Wednesday the dental nurse is coming in to do the fluoride rinse if you returned the forms

Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday April 22nd

 Hi all,

Today we did some reading and partner reading. We wrote a poem for Earth day thinking about some of the wonders of nature. We wrote a class poem about bees and students were free to write their own about something else they love about our sweet planet. We did a math check in about writing numbers when we hear them. We saw Ms. Sterne in gym and then heard a little more Matilda.

Happy Earth day everyone! Enjoy the snow and travel safely!!

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday April 21

 Hi all,

Today we did our library book exchange. We had our second show and tell of the week as Emma introduced us to Puffy the Penguin. We also learned a thing or two about the life of a lobster fisherman. We revisited equals and not equals in math. We talked about what a conductor and insulator is in terms of heat. One stops heat from travelling through and one lets heat travel through. We played some parachute games in gym and then answered a wonder from Paige which was 'can you break through a large block of ice?' Turns out you can, but the best way was not with a flamethrower! 


Fluoride forms are due tomorrow

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday April 20th

 Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who braved the snow today to join us in room 6! We started off with some free writing and got some really good work done! We saw Mr. Wiens for music and did a number of the day. It was 51 today if you were curious. We had ipads for mathletics and also played a math game with cards before having some parachute fun in gym. We ended our day with a chapter of Matilda and headed back out in the snow to trudge home.


Dentist forms are due Friday

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday April 19th

 Hi all,

Today we wrote about our long weekends in our journals to start off with. We looked at some of the great natural resources of Nova Scotia near Meteghan including seafood, lumber, and fiddleheads! We talked about what the equal sign means in math. It means the same as! We also learned the not equal to sign and practiced using that. We had a show and tell from Quinn with a cool RC car. We played parachute in gym and heard a little more of Matilda.


Dental forms for fluoride are due by Friday

A coupon for Papa Johns and a flyer about a soccer camp came home today

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday April 14

 Hi all,

Today we listened to a First Nation legend about Qalupalik who snatches children from the shore. We talked about what happens when you heat and cool different things, for example water is a reversible change cuz you can melt ice, but pancakes are am irreversible change as you can never turn pancakes back into batter. We had a math quiz on all our adding and subtraction work that we've done so far. We also did an 'oi' comprehension passage and played another game of bellyball. We ended our day listening to some Matilda.


No school tomorrow or Monday

A fluoride form came home today. It is voluntary but if you want to get a free teeth boost return the form by next Friday.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wednesday April 13th

 Hi all,

Firstly, our friend Ezri is excited to share a great opportunity with you guys. Do you want to learn how to do a Dragon Dance? If so then there is a free class for you to sign up for! Check out the flyer below for details. 

In class today we learned a little bit about poetry. We planned and wrote a gratitude poem as practice for a poem we are going to be writing for Earth day next week. 

We saw Mr. Wiens for music and did a number of the day. We went on ipads for mathletics to practice our subtraction. After recess we finished our poems, played belly ball in gym, and then wrote sentences for our 'oi' Wow Words. 


No school Friday or Monday for Easter. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday Apr 12

 Hi all,

Today we did a writing sample about a dream vacation! We talked about safety around hot and cold things and weather and made little safety posters. We practiced subtraction with some word problems. We also saw Ms. Sterne for gym and heard a little bit of Matilda. 


No school Friday or Monday for Easter break. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday April 11

 Hi all,

Today we looked at 'oi' words like coin, oink, boil, and did our wow word practice. We looked at flags of Nova Scotia and the colours and symbols they use. We looked at Nova Scotia, the Acadian flag, and the Mi'kmaq flag, the First Nations people of Eastern Canada. We had another go at subtraction with regrouping before lunch. This afternoon we designed our own flags of our families, and played a bit of belly ball in gym. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thursday Apr 7

 Hi all,

Today we had our library time for book exchange. We heard all about Bob and Buzz Lightyear from Yusuf's show and tell. We saw Mr. Wiens for music and did a number of the day. We also had mathletics on ipads. This afternoon we practiced the 'aw' words comprehension sheet, played belly ball, and read some Matilda.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wednesday Apr 6th

 Hi all,

Today we completed our social studies map and added Meteghan and the Maritimes region. We did some free choice writing too! We looked at how the school is heated up in the winter and brainstormed ways we could heat or cool ourselves depending on the outside weather.  We tried our hand at subtraction with regrouping using the algorithm method (just pencil and paper with no blocks or number lines!) We wrote Wow word sentences. We played belly ball in gym, and we also read some Matilda.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Tuesday Apr 5th

 Hi all,

Today we got to go see a real life artist and help him out with our latest project! He is making a mural for the school and we all got to paint a panel that will be somewhere in the final product! 

We also had another go at our math strategy of taking away the 10s and 1s separately. We did some sequence writing this morning, where you write a set of instructions using first, second, third, or first, next, then, last. We also looked at the symbols of Nova Scotia as part of our social studies lessons.

Have a great night everyone!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Monday Apr 4th

 Hi all,

Today we looked at a new Wow word rule. The 'aw' words which make a long aaah sound, as in saw, claw, paw etc. We had music with Mr. Wiens. We did a basic facts quiz. We looked at how we can break numbers down into their 10s and 1s to help us do bigger subtraction questions. This afternoon we looked at the weather in Meteghan, NS, and also played with scoops and balls in gym.


Tomorrow is our day with the Artist in residence. We will be painting I believe so come in clothes that are ok to get a little bit messy!!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday Apr 1st

 Hi all,

Today we did a whole lotta reading, to ourselves and to each other. We talked about what self reflection is for our new pillar of the month. We also did a desk clean and talked about what April Fools Day is. We graphed our March weather data. 


Please bring in your sheets for Reading, Give it a shot so we can tally up the class totals!

Have a great weekend!