Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday April 29th

 Hi all,

Today we had our first in person assembly since Covid began! It was a big success and all the kids did so well sitting politely and being quiet. 

In class we did some partner reading, cleaned out our desks, went outside for our April sit spots (a part of our mindfulness) and then went to gym.


The in class field trip is cancelled on Monday due to the presenter calling in sick :(

For our pillars of care assembly here are this months winners:

Care for Others: Eliaz - for being a great role model to everyone in our class when it is time to listen to the teacher and follow instructions quickly and quietly. He is doing his part for himself and also showing the others how to act. 

Care for Learning: Emma - who has been working really hard on all our writing lately. She is really pushing herself to improve and her hard work has been paying off. 

Care for Place:. Beau - for helping to keep his area of the classroom clean, even when it is not his mess to pick up. 

Care for Self: Shane - who looks out for himself on the play ground and stays safe even when others around him are being a little silly and rough.

Pillar of the Month: Ezri - Ezri knows herself and knows when it’s time to try a little harder and also knows when she does a good job.