Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday Oct 28th

 Hi all,

Today we wrote our Wow word sentences, that is using the 6 Wow words of the week to make 6 different sentences each with a Wow word in it. We had music with Mr. Wiens and then practiced number of the day. After lunch we did mindfulness, went on ipads for mathletics, and then most of us had playground recess. We came back inside to do our magnet quiz and then reviewed the answers. After gym we came back in and read some more Charlotte's Web. It was the sad chapter where Charlotte dies :(


Tomorrow is dress up day if you wish. Please no scary costumes (there are 5 year olds in the building) and no accessories. If anything is left in the school on Friday you will not be able to get it for trick or treating on Sunday!!!!!

Photo orders came home today! The easiest way to order photos is on the life. touch website but if you want to send money and the order form into school I can process them for you. The deadline is Nov 8th if you send money in but you get a lot longer to decide if you order online. If you want retakes or missed the first photo day, picture retakes are on Nov 10th