Hi all,
Today after calendar and reading we revisited the pillars of care and thought about all the examples we've seen so far of people showing care. We made a border for our documentation of learning board which will be up outside our classroom soon.
We looked at repeating patterns in math and filled in the gaps, extended patterns, and named them (AB, ABA, etc).
This afternoon we talked about Terry Fox and the run that we will do on Tuesday. A form was sent home if you wish to donate to the cause or collect donations from friends and families.
We also did a guided drawing of Charlotte's Web and read a little more of the book.
Remember to log in tonight for the meet the teacher
No school Friday
On Monday we will have a slightly different meeting spot in the morning. We will line up between the school and the fence instead of by the bike racks. It is close enough that you will see me standing there and I can just redirect traffic to the right spot if needed.
Enjoy the three day weekend kids! See you Monday.