Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday Sept 28th

 Hi all,

Today we talked about Orange Shirt Day and Phyllis' story, who was the founder of Orange Shirt Day. We made thought about how our lives are very different to hers and made hopes for the future. We will put these hopes in a tobacco offering pouch that we will present tomorrow morning at our smudge. Thursday is Truth and Reconciliation day but we will observe it tomorrow in school. Please wear orange if you have any to help remember the stories of the residential schools. 

We also had music with Mr. Wiens and made patterns with our bodies based off a go noodle video - banana, banana, meatball.

This afternoon we tried, unsuccessfully to log in to the google classroom and also ran the Terry Fox run in gym. We ended our day reading a little more of Charlotte's Web but then got distracted watching videos of spiders spinning webs.

Tomorrow - wear orange

Thursday - No school

Friday - Pillars of Care assembly