Hi all,
What a great first day! We got through so much today and did a whole bunch of running around so I would imagine you have a lot of tired children coming home today.
We went over some classroom routines and did a tour so hopefully we know our way around the place. We went to the gym and went over expectations in there. We also had time to play some games.
We did some math and talked about our number of the day sheet which we will practice more throughout the year.
We started a little art project called self portrait of my first day of grade 2. We talked about adding details that make it a better picture.
Hopefully you have a bunch of happy and tired children full of stories from their first day of grade 2! If there are any issues you need to discuss with me feel free to email me jdbeechey@cbe.ab.ca and we can discuss them there.
Have a great night, get some sleep, and we'll do it all again tomorrow.
Mr. Beechey