Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday Nov 19th

 Hi all,

Today we read to ourselves and to a partner. We did a writing sample based on this picture of a library. 

We cleaned out our desks, played tag games on the scooters in gym, and started designing our own marvellous medicines. 

Here is a note from our admin:

With the holiday season soon approaching it's important to care for others and give back to those who are less fortunate than us.  This holiday season, Beddington Heights School will be a part of 2 programs that the city of Calgary runs for those less fortunate.  
The first program is Loonies for Lunches.  Loonies for Lunches would bring students together to collect loonies to donate to the food bank. Each school and/or classroom would create a donation box to collect the loonies and perhaps have some healthy competition to see which class could raise the most. The loonies would then be used by the Food Bank to purchase food for our Weekends and More program that makes sure kids get the nutritious food they need on the weekends to stay healthy and learning.  
The Mayor's Food Drive is where we collect non-perishable items, i.e. can goods, sealed boxed items, for Calgary's Food Bank.  Both programs start this Monday to Dec 14th. 
For more information, please visit, thank you for the support on this!


Wednesday afternoon is our in school virtual Pillars of Care assembly 
Thursday evening and Friday morning are parent teacher conferences. Please sign up for a slot on mycbe
Friday - no school