Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tuesday Nov 2

 Hi all,

Today we got our 5 new wow words! They are all short u words - under, up, lunch, hug, plus.

We used our 100s chart to fill in some gaps for math. We wrote about our favourite parts of the book Charlotte's Web and then started watching the movie. We will finish it tomorrow in class before we start talking about similarities and differences from the novel. 

Starting this Thursday we will have a library day to take out books. These books can come home or stay at school for quiet reading. If you want to renew the books they need to be in backpacks each Wednesday. If these books do come home and happen to get lost you will be charged for the replacement at the end of the year.


Thursday - our first library day. Books may come home in your backpack. 

Next week Wednesday is photo retake day for school pictures. 

Next week Thursday is a day off for Remembrance Day and Friday is a PD day so no school.