Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Tuesday Jan 18

 Hi all,

Today we did our January writing sample based on a picture prompt of some kids celebrating New Year's Eve. We had music with Mr. Wiens and got to play on the xylophones, finally putting those kids alphabet charts to good use (how else do we all know the word xylophone?). We had ipads for mathletics and also luckily for us for our indoor recess. We ended our day practicing rolls and balances in the gym before reading some BFG. We also did a journal entry about the grossest food we could imagine! This was based on hearing about the dreaded snozzcumbers from the BFG! After talking about gross food for so long we had to watch a yummy video. If you want to make yummy snozzcumbers then check out this video. If you make them, let me know how they turn out!