Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday Nov 30th

 Hi all,

Today we got 5 new wow words for our wow word wall - sleep, see, weekend, need, keep.

We made mathematical snowmen pictures and brought home the work to show you. Let your kids explain how we had to put them together. 

We practiced deep questioning based on a new book we're reading, Fantastic Mr. Fox. We talked about what a liquid is and examples and non examples. We decided a liquid is something that is wet, flows, and takes the shape of its container. 

We played floor hockey in gym and cleaned up before a bit more Mr. Fox at the end of the day.

Have a great night everyone. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday Nov 29th

 Hi all,

Thank you to everyone who met with me on Thursday and Friday for parent teacher conferences. It was great to put a face to some of the names and catch you up with life in room 6. 

Today in class we journaled about our weekends and practiced sounding words out! We did a matching game of different ways to represent numbers in math. We talked about what quick questions are vs deep questions. 

This afternoon we looked at the Saskatoon flag and took a vote over a couple different options if they were to ever change their flag. We also started floor hockey in gym and then put some papers in duotangs. 


Tomorrow is Crazy Hair day! This was a late addition to our calendar if you were wondering how you missed this one! If you want to do your hair all fancy or wear a crazy hat to show some school spirit that would be awesome. 

We are also collecting food and money donations to the Calgary Food bank right now if you have any non perishable items or loose change to spare. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday Nov 24th

 Hi all,

Today we had our free writing language arts where you can write about literally anything! We practiced our skip counting a lot and did a check in test on our numbers by 2, 5, and 10s (forwards and backwards). We wrote Wow word sentences after lunch and then had a couple of stories and gym before our pillars of care assembly. Congrats to our November winners. They are:

Care for Others: Theo - for asking others to join in with him playing pass at recess. Especially asking friends who don’t always have someone to play with.

Care for Learning: Adalynn - who has been checking in with me about her writing this month and is working on her goal of using the whole page space. She knows that when she puts in her best effort she can get the best marks!

Care for Place: Beau - who helps clean up the whole classroom and not just the space around his own desk!

Care for Self: Evan - who is doing his best to ignore his friends in line up and sitting at gym so that he can do his own best work and not get pulled into getting distracted when he should be listening. Well done Evan, this is not an easy thing to do.

Pillar of the Month: Quinn - who is a leader amongst his friends. It is not an easy role to take on but he is there making sure he and his friends always have fun.


Tomorrow IS a school day. There seems to be some confusion amongst the kids... Tomorrow night there are parent teacher conferences. Look for an email with a Teams link to join the meeting. You will need to wait in a virtual lobby and then I will admit you when it is your time.

Friday there is NO school. There are more parent teacher conferences if you can't make Thursday night.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Tuesday Nov 23rd

 Hi all,

Today we got our 5 new wow words. They all have a long A sound. The 'ai' makes a long a like in rain. They 'ay' makes a long a sound like in day. Our new wow word list is: day, stay, play, wait, rain.

We used ipads to input our IRIS goals so we can talk about them at parent teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday. 

For math we found 2D shapes in 3D objects.

This afternoon we looked at the legend of Turtle Island and retold what happened first, next, and last. If you want to hear the legend for yourself check it out here.


Tomorrow we have our pillars of care assembly.

Thursday evening and Friday morning we have parent teacher conferences.

Friday there is no school.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Nov 22nd

 Hi all,

Today we looked at the writing we have done so far and did a self assessment. We will go over these at parent teacher conferences later this week. We had music and did a number of the day. We also looked at how we can use number lines to order numbers! This afternoon we made a cool picture of a grain elevator and did centers in gym.


Wednesday is the Pillars of Care assembly. Winners got their slips today and will be posted on the blog on Wednesday too.

Thursday evening is parent teacher conferences

Friday morning is also parent teacher conferences and also there is no school on Friday. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday Nov 19th

 Hi all,

Today we read to ourselves and to a partner. We did a writing sample based on this picture of a library. 

We cleaned out our desks, played tag games on the scooters in gym, and started designing our own marvellous medicines. 

Here is a note from our admin:

With the holiday season soon approaching it's important to care for others and give back to those who are less fortunate than us.  This holiday season, Beddington Heights School will be a part of 2 programs that the city of Calgary runs for those less fortunate.  
The first program is Loonies for Lunches.  Loonies for Lunches would bring students together to collect loonies to donate to the food bank. Each school and/or classroom would create a donation box to collect the loonies and perhaps have some healthy competition to see which class could raise the most. The loonies would then be used by the Food Bank to purchase food for our Weekends and More program that makes sure kids get the nutritious food they need on the weekends to stay healthy and learning.  
The Mayor's Food Drive is where we collect non-perishable items, i.e. can goods, sealed boxed items, for Calgary's Food Bank.  Both programs start this Monday to Dec 14th. 
For more information, please visit https://www.calgaryfoodbank.com/wam/, thank you for the support on this!


Wednesday afternoon is our in school virtual Pillars of Care assembly 
Thursday evening and Friday morning are parent teacher conferences. Please sign up for a slot on mycbe
Friday - no school

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thursday Nov 18th

 Hi all,

Today we started off with our library exchange. You can bring your books home but remember to bring them back next Thursday so you can go back to the library!

We had a fantastic first show and tell from Adi who showed us a cool Christmas ornament! We practiced ordering numbers in math by looking at the first digit in a number ie 47 is smaller than 71 because 4 is smaller than 7. 

We wrote wow word sentences after lunch and then had a look at a couple other factors of daily life in Alberta and Saskatchewan. 

We ended our day finishing off the book George's Marvellous Medicine. Tomorrow we will be using our imaginations and designing our own marvellous medicines! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday Nov 17th

 Hi all,

LIBRARY DAY IS TOMORROW! If you have a library book at home then bring it in tomorrow or else you are stuck with it for another week. 

Today in class we did some free writing. That is where we can write about any ONE thing and try to stay on topic. 

We met Mr. Beechey's favourite math friend, the number gator. If you want a good ear worm check out his song here. 

We also tried out an app called Draw and Tell and tried out some math word problems. 
This afternoon we talked about what daily life is like in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We ended our day on scooters and heard some more of George's Marvellous Medicine.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday Nov 16

 Hi all,

Today we got 5 new Wow words! We are looking at the long a sound. "able, maple, game, came, brave". We learned a new way of practicing words. Staircase words are when you make a staircase shape by adding one letter at a time in a new line






We had music with Mr. Wiens and learned about the ballet. We did a number of the day before lunch too.

This afternoon we had mathletics. We talked about what jobs come with the natural resources eg wheat can have a farmer or a baker. We ended our day in the gym on scooters and then read a little more of George's Marvellous Medicine. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Nov 15

 Hi all,

Today we started off our day nice and quietly with some silent reading. We journaled about our long weekend. We tried to add more details to our writing by picking just one thing to write about and saying as much as we could about that one thing. We did a basic facts quiz and practiced making numbers with base 10 blocks. This is going to really help us when we start doing bigger adding and subtracting numbers. 

This afternoon we talked more about adjectives and used our 5 senses to help us. We talked about what natural resources they have in Saskatchewan and also read a little more of George's Marvellous Medicine.

Just to reminder as we start our show and tell to log into the Google classroom and look at the examples there to help you out. Especially if your name happens to be Adi and it's your week this week :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wednesday Nov 10th

 Hi all,

Today we practiced some more word work activities with all our old words. This is such a short week that we didn't have time to work with new words.

We did our reading and got to read with a partner today too!

After recess we had our digital Remembrance Day assembly. It was really sweet to hear them all singing Highway of Heroes!

This afternoon we played some new math games and then talked about Show and Tell. This will start next week. There is a letter in backpacks today with some info. Please check out our Google Classroom for the rubric, expectations, and schedule! 

We ended our day with gym and then started a new read aloud George's Marvellous Medicine. 


No school till Monday

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tuesday Nov 9th

 Hi all,

Today after our reading time we did our monthly writing sample. We got to choose the topic today! It's going to become free writing, where students get to write about anything their little hearts desire and is hopefully going to get our creative brains going.

We had music after recess where we learned a few new songs for the assembly tomorrow. Then we did a number of the day before lunch. 

This afternoon we had mathletics in ipads and then designed our own tomb of the unknown soldier monuments. 

We ended our day with gym and a word game.


Picture retake day is tomorrow

No school Thursday or Friday

Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday Nov 8th

 Hi all,

Today we talked about free writing and brainstormed ideas that we could write about if we aren't given a specific topic to write about. We practiced writing our numbers all the way to 100! We made goals for the year that you will hear all about at parent teacher conferences in a few weeks. This afternoon we made a poppy wreath and talked about the tomb of the unknown soldier. We practiced drawing symbols of peace and war so that tomorrow we can design our own tomb of the unknown soldier.


Wednesday is picture retake day

Thursday and Friday are no school for Remembrance day and a PD day

Parent teacher conferences are coming up. Thursday evening (25th Nov) and Friday daytime (26th Nov). Book online at mycbe.ca

Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday Nov 5th

 Remember, remember, the fifth of November,

Gunpowder, treason, and plot. 

I know of no reason, why gunpowder treason,

Should ever be forgot.

See if your kids know anything about this poem! Happy Guy Fawkes day everyone!!

Today in class we practiced reading, alone and in partners. We talked about why November 5th is a special day from Mr. Beechey's childhood. We did a desk clean, number of the day, and then practiced being quiet in math games! We had music and gym today too!

Happy Friday everyone! 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Thursday Nov 4th

 Hi all,

Today we had our first library day! Those of us who were here got a book out. These books can come home for. the week or you can leave it at school. I will remind you on the Wednesday night to bring your library books back so you can get a new one. Next week there is no school on Thursday so you can keep them for 2 weeks!

In class we made our Venn diagrams of the differences between the movie and book of Charlotte's Web. We talked about ordinal numbers in math (1st, 2nd, 3rd as opposed to 1,2,3). We did another visualization picture and also made Canadian flags! A parent at our school is going to visit Vimy Ridge next week and is going to take our flags to the graves of the soldiers and take pictures to help us with our Remembrance Day work next week. 


Wednesday is photo retake day

Thursday and Friday is no school

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday Nov 3

 Hi all,

Today we talked about library day!! Every Thursday (starting tomorrow) we will visit the library to get our a new book. If you bring your books home please remember to bring them back to school every Thursday morning or else you get to keep the book for another week! 

We talked about adjectives and described some bugs. We had music and had some more time to finish our adjectives work. 

This afternoon we went on ipads for mathletics and watched the rest of Charlotte's Web. 


Next Wednesday is picture retake day.

Next Thursday and Friday there is no school. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tuesday Nov 2

 Hi all,

Today we got our 5 new wow words! They are all short u words - under, up, lunch, hug, plus.

We used our 100s chart to fill in some gaps for math. We wrote about our favourite parts of the book Charlotte's Web and then started watching the movie. We will finish it tomorrow in class before we start talking about similarities and differences from the novel. 

Starting this Thursday we will have a library day to take out books. These books can come home or stay at school for quiet reading. If you want to renew the books they need to be in backpacks each Wednesday. If these books do come home and happen to get lost you will be charged for the replacement at the end of the year.


Thursday - our first library day. Books may come home in your backpack. 

Next week Wednesday is photo retake day for school pictures. 

Next week Thursday is a day off for Remembrance Day and Friday is a PD day so no school. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Monday Nov 1

 Hi all,

Hope you all had a great Halloween weekend! Today in class we journaled about our weekends. I'm starting to have little conferences with the kids to talk about writing goals and how we can improve our work. We practiced our first lock down today and it went really well! We graphed our October weather information in math. This afternoon we had some extra math time, put some work away in our folders, and drew a guided drawing of a beaver. The beaver is a symbol of Canada but did you know that each province has its own symbols too? Your kids do now! We drew the flag, animal, bird, fish, tree, and flower of Alberta. How many do you know? We went to gym to practice underhand throws and then finished off the book Charlotte's Web.

Have a great night and enjoy all that candy that is no doubt piled high in your house :)